Saints by the Sea

2018 Lenten Project

2018 Lenten Project Support Request

Dear Parish Family,

This year, in lieu of our customary performance of the Living Stations, your Saints by the Sea youth group would like to invite you to be a part of a Lenten project.

It is with the sacrifice and love of our Lord Jesus in mind, that we ask you to join us in a service project that not only gives back to the men and women that have given so much of themselves to us, but truly embodies our faith.

We are referring to Operation Gratitude.  A service project that many of you may be familiar with, and one which all of us can stand behind.  As we look to unite the bodies of our soldiers with the gratefulness in our souls, our hope is that you be compelled to take part.

We will be collecting donations in the back of the church today, through March 25th; then as a group prepare care packages for our soldiers.

Some items they are in need of are:

  • Travel-size toiletries
  • Single serve drink mix packets
  • Gum
  • Lip Balm

New Entertainment Items (DVDs, CDs, magazines, paperback books, crossword puzzles, etc.)

The full list of items needed can be found in the back of the church or at

Our prayers, words of encouragement and compassion can be our greatest gifts. 

We also invite you to write a letter expressing your gratitude and appreciation to a deployed service member and place it in the box.  They will be distributed with the care packages.

From one family to another, we thank you in advance for your physical, spiritual, and financial support of this project.

Saints by the Sea Youth Group