Parish Business Office Now Open

 A Note from the office: 

 Dear Parishioners, 

The Business Office is now open Monday through Friday from 8am-4pm. We close for lunch 12-1. 

The staff will be working alternate days in the office and continuing to work from home as well. 

Please see the Diocesan requirements below. For those who still do not feel comfortable coming to the office, we can conduct business by phone or email. 

Thank you. 

Karen & Kathy 


COVID-19 Health Alert Building Access Policy – 

Business Office 

Temperature and health screening are required for all persons before entering the office. “To reduce the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus and to protect our employees and guests, all individuals, whether an employee or a visitor, must undergo a temperature check and complete a simple screening questionnaire. Any individual whose temperature is measured to indicate a fever, who answers “yes” to any of the screening questions, or who declines to participate in this process will not be permitted to enter the office. 


Screening Questions Include: 

1. Are you currently experiencing, or have you experienced in the last two weeks, one of the following symptoms that you cannot attribute to another health condition? (fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell) 

2. Within the last two weeks, have you or anyone in your household been in close contact with someone confirmed or suspected of being infected with COVID-19? “Close Contact” means being within ap-proximately 6 feet of someone for a prolonged period of time (more than a few minutes) 

3. In the last two weeks, has a medical provider directed you or anyone in your household to self-quarantine because of possible exposure to COVID-19? 

4. Have you traveled outside the U.S. or visited a local area with widespread coronavirus infection in the last 14 days? 

