We are glad to announce that OLPH - Saint Agnes Church will reopen for PRIVATE PRAYER only, in compliance with public health guidelines on Wednesday, May 13th with limited hours.
The schedule will be as follows:
SAINT AGNES - Mon/Wed/Fri - 8 A.M. to 12 P.M.
OLPH - Tues/Thurs/Sat - 8 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Masks are required for all those making visits.
There may be no more than 10 visitors at one time.
A minimum of 6 feet between visitors must be observed.
Restrooms will be temporarily closed.
Areas will be clearly designated for private prayer. Please limit your visit to those areas only.
For the safety of our staff and visitors, we ask that you properly dispose of PPE, water bottles, tissues, etc. and do not leave them behind in the pews.
A flow of traffic has been established at each church. When visiting Saint Agnes, please ENTER through the front doors and EXIT through the rear door. When visiting OLPH, please ENTER through the front doors and EXIT through the rear door with ramp on the parking lot side.
As outlined by Bishop O'Connell, "The decision is part of a phased approach that will move the Diocese from the reopening of churches for private prayer to the gradual restoration of our full Catholic and sacramental life." Please see the link below for more information from the Diocese.
We pray for your continued health and safety. We are encouraged by these first steps and look forward to the day when we can all be together as one.