Fr. Jarlath Important Letter

Dear Parishioners,

The antiphon from Sunday’s Mass states: “Today is holy to the Lord your God. Do not be sad, and do not weep; for today is holy to our Lord. Do not be saddened this day, for rejoicing in the Lord must be your strength!”

We know that Our Gracious Lord is always with us and is particularly close to us in difficult times. Though we cannot gather together in Church for the liturgies we can still be united in spirit and offer continued praise to God. You have all been very much in my mind and heart through all this. Mass is being celebrated daily alternating between OLPH and St. Agnes Churches. Both churches are opened daily for those who wish to stop in for private prayers and devotions. There is exposition of the Blessed Sacrament each day in the parish. Though all public liturgies have been cancelled for Holy Week and through Easter I will be saying mass privately. I encourage you all to continue to draw closer to God our Father through this season of Lent. We are a resurrection people and consequently are filled with hope knowing that Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has conquered all sin and death through his passion and Resurrection. I know that many of you have dropped off your envelopes or mailed them in and realize that many are suffering financially too. With the help of God, we will all get through this and we will again be able to come to Church and celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass together. We have Our Blessed Mother comforting us too through these times. If anyone wishes to talk to me regarding anything, please don’t hesitate to call: 732-291-0272 Ext. 122

In Christ’s peace, 
Fr. Jarlath +