Journey through Lent - A Lenten Journey

Dear Parishioners,

We are called find and nurture a personal relationship with Christ and to deepen our faith, come closer to Christ, and to bring Christ to others. The Pope has spoken often of the “new evangelization” and bringing back to the Church those who have strayed. But it starts within each of us.

We at the parish may be new to the idea of small groups. We are ready to begin a new small group series called Journey through Lent. This is a six week program that will help us deepen our observance of Lent. If you have ever found yourself wanting to do something special for Lent but not know what it is, this program may be the answer. Giving up sweets is great. But how do we achieve spiritual growth this Lent in an intentional way?

This is how Journey through Lent comes in. This is a chance to do something about what we hear about every year. This is a chance to revive in our hearts the true spirit of the season of Lent- the spirit of anticipating, expecting, longing for, the Resurrection of Jesus. This is a chance to share our faith in a comfortable situation so that we can be prepared to be part of the “new evangelization” and speak about our faith, as our Pope says, to our places of work, our families, and friends. For some, this is a daunting thought. Yet, we are called to do it! It is up to each of us.

The groups meet on Sunday afternoon and Wednesday evenings. We will meet for six weeks beginning the week of March 10. Each session is ninety minutes in length. Each session will contain prayer and scripture, faith sharing and an invitation to put our faith into action. The materials are free.

I invite you to say yes to God. Sign-up sheets will be available in the Bulletin. Please return them before March 6th. Groups begin the week of March 10. If you have any questions, please call me at Deacon Somma at 908-433-4741.

Look forward to sharing with you and have a great Lent!

Father Lopez
Deacon Johnson
Deacon Somma