Open Enrollment for CCD

Open enrollment for CCD: 

Classes for Religious Education began on October 30th. All classes are done virtually, which means there are no in person classes. All assignments and work can be done at your own pace from home. There are no set days or times for meetings.  If you have not registered your child, please do so as soon as possible, as it is not too late.  Any questions, please feel free to contact:

Mary McKelvey.   732-291-0272 ext. 116  


SVdP Giving Tree

Giving Tree 2020

It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

The Giving Tree, festively decorated, will be displayed at the back of the church from November 21, 2020 throughout the Christmas Season. Alongside the tree, a container may be found for your gift cards. Similar to last year, we are requesting gift cards, ONLY, so families can purchase items such as clothes, toys, and food, from stores like Target, Kohl’s, Old Navy, Foodtown, Shoprite, etc.

You can also drop off your gift cards at the Parish Office and place inside the mail slot to the left of the entrance door or mail it to OLPH Saint Agnes Parish Office at 103 Center Ave. Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716, attention Saint Agnes SVdP.

Gift cards, specifically for Christmas, will NOT be accepted after December 6, 2020 so that families have time to do their Christmas gift shopping. If you are aware of a needy family who should be included in the list of recipients, please call the rectory at 732-291-0272, ext. 113. Leave your name and telephone number and one of our members will return your call as soon as possible.

Saint Vincent DePaul Society extends a special thank you to all parishioners of St. Agnes for making this beautiful act of giving possible.

God bless you and yours with a Very Merry Christmas and Happy, Healthy New Year!

Virtual Religious Education Classes to begin October 30th

Virtual Religious Education Classes will begin on October 30th. 

Those of you who have registered, that is great and you will be receiving an email from me soon. 

However, those of you who haven't registered, Please do so as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me.

Many Blessings,

Mary McKelvey
Coordinator of Religious Education OLPH - St. Agnes Parish
Ph: 732-291-0272, ext. 116
